sâmbătă, 20 iulie 2013

What is your perfect sport?

I have a message from Aisha for you, fairies:
"Would you like to get sporty but you don't know what to try?
I can help you figure out which is best for you!
Why? Because I know everything about every sport, Earth faries!
Are you competitive?
Try tennis, volleyball, football, basket or swiming. Practicing with a trainer will help you get better fast.
Do you like music?
Try rythmic gymnastics, ballet or hula hoop. When you're hanging out at home, listen to your favourite song and dance!
Do you love being outdoors?
Go for your bycicle, hiking, horseback riding or windsurfing. All great outdoor activities!
Are you looking for a thrill?
What about skiing, snowboarding, roller skating or ice skating? Don't forget your helmet and other protective gear!
Are you a quiet person?
You can try jogging, yoga, or tai chi. They help you relax and focus.
What is your favourite sport? I couldn't choose, I really love them all!"

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